11 Kettle Creek Rd
Toms River, NJ
11 Kettle Creek Rd
Toms River, NJ
Property Overview
9,200 SF former Charlie Brown’s restaurant on Brick / Toms River border at a major intersection. Ample onsite parking and seating for +/- 300. Full Kitchen, basement with prep kitchen, storage, walk in refrigeration. Includes furniture and fixtures. Rudy Daunno represented the purchaser.
Sale Price $2,275,000.00.
Not all available properties are listed on CoStar and LoopNet and as such, we encourage you to call a Daunno Commercial agent to discuss your specific wants and needs. All Brokers rely on their market knowledge combined with technology and relationships to source opportunities for their clients. The commercial world is dominated by large private and institutional owners and developers. Beyond these relationships and the use of the multiple listing services there are advertising tools and activities possible with a deeper investment of time that can be made with the security of an Exclusive Right To Represent agreement (ERTR).
Clients that choose our associates always receive the full benefit of all our sales professionals knowledge and contacts but an ERTR allows us to not only use our proprietary knowledge but is a vehicle to encourages cooperation in leveraging the entire brokerage industry. As a base line we start with our efforts to monitor the distress and auction markets combined with our own intelligence about open or soon to be available opportunities. An ERTR allows for direct soliciting of owners of all suitable off market targets and to broadly present your requirement to the entire brokerage world. Yes an ERTR protects our interests but as always we only get paid if we produce a suitable opportunity. An ERTR also provides the brokerage community the benefit of identifying their compensation as it allows us to solicit the full depth and breadth of the all potential on and off market options.
At Daunno Commercial we believe Real Estate professionals are at our roots product specific marketers and as such we openly and actively promote your need or asset. We take pride in the concise and timely promotion of your requirement or disposition of asset for maximum benefit or return. We refuse to leverage you to collect client data, steer your deal to a specific landlord for incentive or pursue direct deals for our exclusive benefit. We take pride in every closed transaction but the only time we take celebrate a direct deal is if the lease is below market or the purchaser was the highest bidder! We are in essence explorers always seeking information about opportunities in the market.
Planting your flag with Daunno Commercial allows us to you bring you a world of opportunity.